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  • How I Built a Multi-Million Dollar Network on Twitter for Free

How I Built a Multi-Million Dollar Network on Twitter for Free

Steal my playbook

Hey there đź‘‹

I’ve spent the last 18 months meticulously assembling a network on Twitter that was once beyond the realm of possibility.

Here are the top tips and key insights I’ve gathered along the way to help you do the same, only faster.

Twitter Lists

Twitter lists allow you to sort individuals into buckets.

Find 30 interesting individuals:

  • 10 people who are your 'rockstars' (people you look up to)

  • 10 people who are ahead of you (where you want to be)

  • 10 people who are alongside you (similar follower count)

Create a list for each of these groups.

Advanced Search

  1. Find your list number in the URL bar (highlighted above)

  2. Open up the 'Explore' page on Twitter

  3. Copy your list number into explore bar with the format and filters below

list:[insert list number here] -filter:nativeretweets -filter:retweets -filter:quote -filter:replies”

When you paste your list number and the filters into the explore bar, it will look like this. Upon hitting search, a curated set of original content from your list will appear.


I like to sort my list from “Top” to “Latest” to create a chronological feed. Now, add the Twitter search result to the favourite bar in your browser.

This removes any friction of having to navigate back to your individual lists and applying the filters each time you want to engage. All that’s necessary now is a single click in your browser. What’s more, filtering by original posts lets you cut through the noise of irrelevant retweets or replies.

Network Expansion

If you want to expand your network one step further, remove the "-filter:replies" part. Now, your curated list will show original posts + their replies. You get an inside look at who they're engaging with.

You'll locate new individuals to add to your Twitter lists and expand your network.


Repeat these steps for each of your lists. You'll now have 3 bookmarked searches. The foundation is in place.

Start by blocking 30 minutes into your diary at 9:30am ET. It's when the majority of individuals have posted on Twitter.

Set 3x 10-minute timers, one for each of your lists. You'll now go on 3, 10-minute sprints to engage. Batching will save you time. Comment on their content, daily, for 3 months—be phenomenally consistent. Make sure your replies are additive to the conversation.


By showing up in their comments for 3 months straight you'll become a familiar face. If you add something interesting to the discussion, they'll like you. This is implicitly building trust and warming up the intro when you reach out via DM.


Now you want to demonstrate yourself as a reputable individual by creating great content. If you struggle to ideate on your own (like me), use Tribescaler’s Hook Lab. This will let you create compelling headlines by starting with just a few keywords. Tribescaler does the heavy lifting for you to spark immediate inspiration.


You've been a familiar face for the last 3 months. Now it's time to kickstart the relationship. You'll have the highest probability of success with the list of those 'alongside you' and 'ahead of you'—let's start here.

Send a Twitter DM to each of the individuals on those two lists. Provide value upfront by giving without expectation:

  • Send a message of appreciation. Reference content of theirs that you’ve used personally

  • Highlight mutual areas of interest

  • Have a clear call to action to chat off Twitter

Take the conversation off the platform

Be open to exploring the overlap. This can take the form of:

  • A zoom chat

  • A phone call

  • A coffee meeting

Best case: You find a new friend, mentor or job. Worst case: You lose 2 minutes of your time writing the DM.

Huge upside, and very little downside.

Work the system

Build mutual connections with individuals you want to DM. Get individuals they follow to follow you through building relationships. When you drop a DM, the mutual connections appear.

Immediate social proof = higher chance of response.

You're now 3 months away from changing your life.

Show up daily, bring value to each conversation, make the intro 'warm', and give without expectation.

Tribescaler is here to be your co-pilot on this exciting journey. Get started today.

Happy creating,

Alex Banks